Long time no blog. Here are some highlights from the past year at Portage:
Jon was the keynote speaker at the 2022 conference of the National Academy of Arbitrators Pacific Northwest Region, where he spoke about workplace substance use policies, structural stigma, and the drug treatment/testing industry.
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Portage became a member of 312 Main, a community-centred hub located in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, which is made up of member organizations working towards creating enduring social and economic change.
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Jon was appointed to the board of directors of Megaphone, an organization working to change the story on poverty by promoting social equity, amplifying marginalized voices, and creating meaningful work opportunities.
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Portage collaborated with Each & Every: Businesses for Harm Reduction and Workers for Ethical Substance Use Policy in the development of a model workplace policy related to substance use.
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Lots more happened, too.
And Jon continued working with organizations across BC that want to be good employers. He's helping them do that. But not over the next four weeks. It's time for some summer fun with family!
Portage will re-open on September 5.